Small Animal Surgery

Our experienced team of doctors and staff make it their number one priority to focus on pain management, patient safety, and we use the most current surgical practices to ensure your pet receives the best veterinary care.

Canine & Feline Spay

Spaying is a routine surgical procedure that involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus of female animals to prevent them from reproducing. Our experienced doctors have performed numerous successful spay procedures, ensuring the safety and comfort of your pet throughout the process with us. We utilize the latest medical equipment and surgical techniques to minimize any potential risks while taking care of your pet as if it were our own. Spaying not only helps control the pet population but also offers several health benefits, including the prevention of certain reproductive disorders and reducing the risk of mammary tumors, unwanted or unsafe breedings and uterine infections. Talk to our veterinarians to see if spaying your pet may be right for you!

Mass & Tumor Removal

Mass removal, also known as tumor or lump removal, is a crucial surgical procedure aimed at addressing abnormal growths in your pet’s body. We completely understand the concern and anxiety that comes with discovering a mass on your pet, and we are dedicated to providing a supportive and understanding environment throughout the entire process. Our experienced veterinarians are skilled in performing mass removal surgeries with the utmost care and precision, and will help make the process comfortable and easy to understand every step of the way.

Foreign Body Removal

Currently not offered.

Bladder Surgery

Bladder surgery may become a necessary and crucial intervention to address a range of concerning conditions that can severely impact your pet’s urinary health and overall well-being. One such condition is bladder stones, which are mineralized accumulations that form within the bladder. These stones can cause discomfort, painful urination, and may even obstruct the urinary tract, leading to serious complications. Urinary blockages are yet another concern that may necessitate bladder surgery. These blockages, often caused by crystals, mucus, or other substances, can obstruct the normal flow of urine and lead to a life-threatening condition known as a urinary obstruction. Our skilled veterinarians can act swiftly to alleviate these obstructions.

Dental Radiology

Dental radiographs, or dental X-rays, play a crucial role in ensuring comprehensive oral health for pets. Unlike visible inspection alone, dental radiographs reveal issues hidden beneath the gumline, such as tooth root infections, fractures, or impacted teeth. This diagnostic tool aids our veterinarians in making accurate treatment decisions and performing precise dental procedures that may have otherwise been missed, promoting your pet’s overall well-being by addressing potential problems early on. With our advanced dental radiography, we prioritize your pet’s comfort and safety, ensuring they receive the best possible dental care sooner.

Canine & Feline Neuter

Neutering, also known as castration, is a routine surgical procedure that involves the removal of the testicles in male animals to prevent them from reproducing. Neutering offers various health benefits for your pet, including the prevention of certain reproductive disorders and a reduced risk of certain cancers. Beyond the health advantages, neutering can also positively impact your pet’s behavior by reducing aggressive tendencies and roaming behaviors. Talk to our veterinarians to see if neutering your pet may be right for you!

Ophthalmic Surgery

Ophthalmic surgery is a delicate and precise field that requires extensive training and experience, and our veterinarians possess both. We are equipped with cutting-edge surgical equipment and technology to perform a wide range of procedures, from basic eye surgeries like eyelid laceration repairs to complex interventions like enucleations. We approach each surgery with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for your pet.

Prophylactic Dental Cleaning

Prophylactic dental cleaning is a vital preventive measure for maintaining optimal oral health in pets. Just like in humans, plaque and tartar buildup can lead to dental issues and discomfort for our furry friends. This routine procedure involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth and, most importantly, below the gumline, preventing potential dental diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease. Regular dental cleanings not only help keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy but also contribute to their overall well-being, as untreated dental problems can lead to systemic health issues and painful teeth. Trust our experienced veterinarians to provide gentle and comprehensive prophylactic dental cleanings, ensuring your pet enjoys a lifetime of happy smiles.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery, including dental extraction, is an essential aspect of pet dental care that addresses various oral health issues. When severe dental problems arise, such as damaged or infected teeth, dental extraction becomes necessary to alleviate pain and prevent further complications. Our experienced veterinarians perform oral surgeries with precision and compassion, using advanced techniques and anesthesia to ensure your pet’s comfort and safety throughout the procedure. Trust in our expertise to provide exceptional oral surgery services, promoting your pet’s dental health and enhancing their overall quality of life.

Severe Wound Reconstruction & Laceration Repair

Surgical laceration repair is a critical procedure that addresses wounds and cuts in pets, ensuring optimal healing and minimizing the risk of infection. Whether caused by accidents or injuries, lacerations can be painful and potentially lead to complications if left untreated. Our skilled veterinarians are well-versed in surgical techniques to clean, close, and beautifully suture lacerations, promoting a faster recovery and reduced scarring. If your pet experiences a large laceration, surgical repair under anesthesia or sedation may be the best option.